Have you ever ordered your dinner under a roof nearly blown away by forceful wind? Never thought I had to experience it here in KT.
Last night, after wondering around the Store, checking out what’s in for me to buy, me & Chuopa stopped at Tenang Seafood, the usual place where the tribe (Nicos & Macitos) went for a nice affordable meal. A minute after I parked my car, mild rain started to fall forcing us to hurry for shelter under the stall’s dusty old roof. We picked an empty table at the far most right of the stall. There were at least 10 other customers ordering and enjoying their food.
Right after we ordered food, suddenly rain came down in buckets, forced by a ferocious wind. Rain was falling horizontally soaking ourselves from head to toe.
Can’t snap any pictures as the rain was so intense that I’m afraid my camera will wrecked.
We hurry ourselves to the wall behind us near to the kitchen where everybody gathered for shelter including all the TS’s staff.
I’ve recalled YM status I made earlier this morning about a heavy snow hit KT … was this some kind of punishment for my faulty thought? ... huhuhu scary.
Within ten minutes, the wind headed its way elsewhere and we continued our dinner in soaking wet & cold. It was really soaking rite Chuopa? Or am I just exaggerating? *LOL*
As I wrote this entry, I was on YM with Azrul & Wkh as they and few others were at BBC office trying to finish off an urgent delivery tonight. Thank you for the commitment guys.
A view of Tenang Seafood's open space where the rainstorm hit us
Another view ... we sat under the roof at the background
This picture was taken somewhere in February 2007 when we exiting the office's elevator and headed to Tenang Seafood
Catz: It's good to experience something new, but make sure you can handle the heat ...