Sunday, May 27, 2007

General Management

I recently attended a general management workshop in Seri Pacific KL, which was presented by Dr. Sufian. The workshop was very beneficial and provided a good opportunity to learn new things and also evaluate my understanding on management.

Some parts I like most about the workshop were being able to understand where my personality fit within the management, the food and enjoying the camaraderie.

We were divided into groups based on personality color, which was determined by questionnaires we have to answer. Blue represents analytical & rational; green represents systematic and procedural; purple represents spiritual and peaceful; red represents social and emotional; and orange represents innovative and entrepreneurial. Surprisingly, I was in ‘Yellow’ which represent “Creative and Imaginative” group.

We were challenged to produce a flying spaceship that can carry an egg using only the items given. The most important rules were the spaceship must fly at least 20 ft without breaking the egg. The ‘Yellow’ came up with a very creative design but wasn’t able to meet the deadline given. As what Dr. Sufian said, the creative people in the real world have the same personality and attitude. They are very creative in a sense, but tend to break rules. In the end, the ‘Blue’ won the challenge. ‘Yellow’ was announced the most creative design of all even though we had to try twice before it can really fly.

Overall, I’m really enjoying myself in the workshop and really looking forward for the next one.

Posing terlentok-lentok ...

Charlie's Angels ... and Charlie himself ... hehehe

Everybody ...
Catz: Seronok ...

Saturday, May 26, 2007

It's a Small World After All

My last entry was more than a month ago. I need to update something, before crickets and dust take over my blog :)

KC went back to KL last nite. It’s been a while since the last episode of her bus riding days. She had no choice, the flights were fully booked and nobody was heading to KL. It wasn’t a bad idea after all; the bus looked quite comfy from outside.

This afternoon, we convoy from FSK to Nazlia’a (Yot) wedding in Manir, Terengganu. There were 6 cars altogether; boy led us the way since Sya had been there before. Fly shocked us with his new look. He looks 5 years younger.

It was my first Terengganu’s kenduri with tables. Yes! Tables!

Yot looks so pretty and the kenduri was so fine. Yot requested us to join her in a photography session near the pelamin. I’m kinda surprise to see Imran Abdul Jabar holding a camera as if he’s the photographer. Yes indeed he was. What a small world after all. Both Imran & Yot have no idea that they once work for the same company, MMSC.

The girls with the bride & groom

Bestnye ada meja ...

Afiq showing his new set of teeth

Cute Alia saying "nanak" (means tak nak) ...

A good bye pose from the bride ...

The tribe on the way out of the house ...

Catz: Ergh! too lazy to write ...