Friday, November 10, 2006

Countdown to Deadline - 1 day

One of the busiest day of the week. It's 10:30PM and I'm still at my work chair. Quite a few members of the clan stayed over tonite, Bib & Echah at the meeting room next door. Echah made more than few tawafs waiting for her mama to finish. Chuopa's ehem ehem join us waiting for him to finish his work. Farhan, Cdot & Erica are at the other end of the room, accompanied by tons of mp3 songs .. mostly oldies from Cdot's collections. Cik Ham at the other wing trying to settle out his international project SB.

My head spins & my stomach aches, but that rojak ayam was superb!, sehingga menjilat garpu. Nasib baik K.Shikeen teman gi Azhar Maju ... been craving for the rojak since the first time I've tasted it yesterday. I would give it a four star for being not to sweet and tasty. Sorry, no pictures to describe the look.

So much for today's entry, I'm outta the office. Ought to get some sleep and get pump up for tomorrow's chores. Roger n out.

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